<Share Image via GO SMS>http://gosms.3g.cn/D?f=SKWXF8FYY00gO_ViaGoSMS
When images are shared via GO SMS, the link to the shared image will go dead after three days. In this particular case, the link to http://gosms.3g.cn/D?f=SKWXF8FYY00gO_ViaGoSMS has expired or has already been deleted (it was a heart with an arrow when it was originally shared).
Trying to access a dead link will bring up a notice of expiration from GO SMS.
GO SMS is a popular third party app because of its vast array of customizable options and functions. The name “GO SMS” may be misleading since SMS is only one of the features offered by the app.
SMS (short messaging service) is the technical name for what is most often referred to as “texting”. When the concept of SMS was being developed, technology was primitive by modern standards as is shown by the SMS limit of 160 characters.
In SMS news, new research suggests that texting therapy doubles the chances that a smoker will ditch their cigarettes. The texting program in the study allowed participants to respond to their texts, pick a new quit date, and ask for more help like a game or a tip to help them squash cigarette cravings. Get the whole story from WebMD.
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