How old is Jenifer from Shipping Wars and is she married? my fiance wants to know if she is.

Jennifer Brennan from Shipping Wars is 31 years old and engaged to be married. Her fiancé’s family has a ranch in Mason, Texas where they eat everything they shoot on the property. She was born in Texas and spent a lot of summers growing up with family in Alabama.

Brennan, who currently lives in Austin, Texas, often takes a special interest in transporting animals. On a good week, she grosses $3,000 to $4,000 and bring homes $2,500 to $3,000.

Of interest, according to WKBN TV crews with the A & E show “Shipping Wars” were at the Eastwood Mall in Niles, OH in May taping. The show follows freelance shippers that bid on various, unique jobs and then follows them on their deliveries. The show taped at the mall will focus on how over-sized eels and a shark were moved to a new location. This episode will air Tuesday, July 16 at 10 p.m.

Updated on Monday, July 15 2013 at 05:07AM EDT