Are there any good cooking shows on Netflix?

Yes. There are many good cooking shows available to stream or rent from Netflix. When searching with the word "cooking" on their website, the top cooking shows watched by members show up.

When searching for cooking shows or documentaries to watch on Netflix Instant, it's best to search under the category "Reality TV". Also, make sure to check under "Documentaries", "New Releases", "Recently Added", and "Popular on Netflix".

Netflix recently added Food Network to their line up and it’s been an easy dish to swallow. If you are looking for something light for your binge watching pleasure, Food Network series are the salad of Netflix.

Check out the top trending Food Network shows on

Sign up for Netflix to watch movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.

Tags: netflixmoviescooking 
Tuesday, January 17 2017