How can you tell if some on kik has blocked you

You won't be able to know if someone has blocked you on Kik Messager until you send them a message. If you've been blocked, you'll see a D beside your message but the person you sent it to will never receive it. In other words, the D will not change to an R.

Kik Messenger customer services says to date there is no way to know if someone on your Kik has deleted you from their list of contacts. If someone has deleted you, that person's display name will still appear on your list of People you've talked to.

Of interest, according to Tru Tower Kik has just rolled out an update for Apple devices (version 6.4.1) that adds “featured” and “popular” Cards to the ever-evolving “More” menu, making it easier to see what other Kik Messenger users are using as well as discover new Cards to enhance your “Kiking” experience.

Updated on Saturday, July 20 2013 at 04:20AM EDT
Collection: kik