How old is Bobby Brantley from Lizard Lick Towing?

We couldn't find Bobby Brantley's birth date, but we did discover that he revealed his age to be 41 in a 2011 interview. Today we think he's about 43-years-old, give or take a year.

The 6' 5" star of TruTV's reality series Lizard Lick Towing weighs 275 pounds, and is married to Anita Grissom Brantley whom he met on April 19, 2024 (and instantly knew that he would eventually marry).

Outside of his TV persona, he's a volunteer fireman, and was even an EMT. He also drives a truck between filming for Lizard Lick Towing doing actual repo jobs for the company.

Brantley, along with Ron and Amy Shirley make up Lizard Lick Towing; the TV series first aired on February 7, 2011, and just finished up its third season.

No word yet on when the next season begins.

2013 Meet and Greet with Bobby Brantley events:

  • August 7: Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis, Indiana
    September 19: North Georgia State Fair in Marietta, Georgia
    September 28: Good Vibrations Car, Truck and Bike Show in Bessemer City, North Carolina
    October 5: Beck Mountain Corn Maze in Elizabethton, Tennessee
    October 18: Kingstree/Bi-Lo Pig Pickin' Festival in Kingstree, South Carolina
    November 6: Louisiana State Fair Grounds in Shreveport, Louisiana

Updated on Friday, April 26 2013 at 05:09AM EDT