collected questions
If someone is convicted of two DUIs but is not on probation are they allowed to leave the country on vacation?
Do federal courts give drug test every case
Can the oklahoma cops tell if ur on probation if they run ur name
Whats does it mean in the ncaa where a team gets probation ~Ralphwiggum~
What civil action can be taken against state probation/parole for falsely violating a person on probation.
What are some teacher tenure policies in massachusetts
whats the penalty of theft by deception in salem nh?
How long will you be in jail if you have seven dirty urine analysis?
Not work probation. That's not the answer I wanted. I'm talking about like misdemeanor and felony kind of probation
How do you find out when your probation period ends?
can a parol officer turn off your electricity if you violate ur parol
second mip in michigan what are the cchances i go to jail
Has vince lombardi ever been to jail
As a felon can i somehow still go to mexico
If I am on probation in the state of washington for first degree tresspassing can I go to cancun mexico for spring break?
Wat happens if u get a misdemeanor summon while on probation
What was boosie sentincein prison ** confused .... J.confident 1 of 1 ****
Im 20 years old can i have sex with a 16year girl if im on probation and live in the state of washington