How to pass floor 29 on 100 floors?

Level 29 on the game 100 Floors is a sneaky level; though ultimately not very difficult (after you know how to beat it).

The first thing to note is that Level 29 is a motion sensor stage which means it is affected by how you move or tilt your device. All you need to do to beat level 29 is to place your device flat on a surface and wait until the bomb timer goes down to zero. It will then explode the level 29 doors and allow you to move onto level 30.

To beat level 30 press the home key and check out what time it is on your device. Set the time to that on the door and then pull the lever which will unlock yourself out of level 30.

Updated on Saturday, June 02 2012 at 09:27PM EDT
Collection: 100 Floors 

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