how did actor, jamie hector get his scar ?

As it turns out, Jamie Hector has never revealed how he got the scar on his cheek. Once, in an interview he was asked where he got the scar, and Jamie responded that he uses it to bring out emotions for his characters but doesn’t like to talk about where he got it.

Jamie Hector was born on October 7, 2023 in Brooklyn, NY. He is a Haitian-American actor, known for his role as Marlo Stanfield in the critically acclaimed HBO series The Wire. Outside of his acting career, Jamie founded Moving Mountains Inc. in Brooklyn that works to serve inner city kids by developing their talents and expanding their creative opportunities.

Recently, Anthony Bourdain hung out with with actors Michael K. Williams and Jamie Hector (Omar and Marlo from The Wire) at a restaurant in Crown Heights, Brooklyn during filming of an episode of No Reservations. Michael and Anthony grubbed on some traditional Caribbean Island cooking, while Jamie ordered a potent drink called "seamoss".

Updated on Thursday, November 01 2012 at 12:05PM EDT