how do I get my PNR Status on Indian Railways?
You can get or check your PNR status online or via text message. Have handy your PNR number, a unique ten digit code that is assigned to individual travelers who book passage online or in person. The number is on the top left corner of your ticket.
Using their online site, enter your PNR Number in the box at the top of the webpage and then hit the “Get PNR Status” button. Your ongoing status will be displayed on your screen.
There are two numbers that can be used if you want to check using SMS text messages.
- Type PNR <10 digit PNR No.> and send it to 54959.
- Type PNR <10 digit PNR No.> and send it to 139.
Of interest, Indian Railways recently delayed plans to increase passenger fares by 14% and freight rates by 6.5%. The additional revenue was supposed to help offset a $4.5 billion loss. Passengers shouldn't expect reservation changes at least through March 2015. Find out more from Bloomberg.
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