What channel is 'The Walking Dead' on AT&T U-verse?

The mid-season premiere of Season 3 The Walking Dead aired at 9/8CT Sunday, February 10, 2024 on AT&T U-verses’ AMC channels 795 and 1795 (HD). Subsequent new episodes will air at 9/8CT on Sundays. Previously shown episodes usually air an hour earlier.

Chris Hardwick is hosting new episodes of AMC’s Season 2 of Talking Dead on Sundays following new episodes of The Walking Dead. During this follow-up show the latest The Walking Dead episode is discussed by cast, crew, and celebrity fans.

Just in- AMC says that the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead's third season was seen by the largest audience in the series' history with 12.3 million tuning in. If you include the encore telecast, the episode's viewership rises to 16.6 million.

The one-hour mid-season series three premiere of Talking Dead captured 4.1 million viewers.

Updated on Tuesday, February 19 2013 at 12:40PM EST
Source: uverseonline.att.net/...
Collections: at&t u-versewalking deadthe sundays