Not Medical Advice: As per, sustainable weight loss occurs by making healthy alterations to your diet, eating fewer overall calories, and exercising at least 60 minutes 3-4 days per week.
Your nutrition plan should be based upon how many calories you need each day to fuel your body. Because we know that fat loss occurs when you spend more calories than you take in, it's smart to know how many calories you're eating and using each day.
If you want to lose fat, try to eat about 15-20 percent less than you burn. Make sure to read labels and measure portion sizes.
Once you have the diet figured out, start thinking about exercise. If you're new to the exercise world, start off with a regimen you enjoy: Running, playing racquetball, or Sunday soccer with your friends. Whatever keeps you active for 60 minutes 3-4 times per week will help you lose fat.
It's important to weigh yourself, but make sure to limit how often you step on the scale. Sources suggest that use it only once per week so you don't get discouraged. It may also behoove you to take weekly progress photos to make you feel motivated to keep going.
By far, the most important part of losing fat and implementing healthier habits into your lifestyle is bettering your self-image and happiness. How you look is not nearly as important as how you feel. Maintain positivity and you'll see the changes you want to see.
Maintaining weight loss takes a different approach than losing the weight. Check out these 9 secrets of successful weight maintenance shared by WebMD.