How do you get rid of a fish eye (blister) on your finger??

Not Medical Advice: Blisters are a common ailment of the hands, which can be a result of friction-related damage, or burns.

• A small, unbroken blister about the size of a pea, even a blood blister, will usually heal on its own. Use a loose bandage to protect it. Avoid the activity that caused the blister.

• Use iodine or alcohol to disinfect the outside of the blister.

• It's best not to drain a blister at home. But when blisters are painful, some people do drain them. If you do decide to drain your blister, be sure to follow these steps:

Wipe a needle with rubbing alcohol.

Gently puncture the edge of the blister.

Press the fluid in the blister toward the hole so it can drain out.

You may also try using these remedies to speed up healing:

• Apply calendula ointment, a product made from marigold. It’s traditionally used as a soothing wound healer. To keep the ointment clean, cover it with an adhesive bandage or a gauze pad. At night, remove the bandage so the blistered area is exposed to air.Apply calendula ointment, a product made from marigold. It’s traditionally used as a soothing wound healer. To keep the ointment clean, cover it with an adhesive bandage or a gauze pad. At night, remove the bandage so the blistered area is exposed to air.

• Smearing aloe vera gel on the blister and covering it with a bandage can also help it to heal. However, be sure you use the pure gel of the plant. Some processed products contain ingredients, like alcohol, which have a drying effect.

• Relieve pain and itching by putting a wet wash cloth on your blister. All you need to do is soak the cloth in cold water, wring it out and then lay it over your blister.

Avoid leaving a permanent record of your wound with these treatment tips that will reduce scarring shared by

Tags: blisterremedies 
Thursday, May 18 2017