How many inches of snow are we supposed to get tonight in carol stream, IL, 60188 usa
Based on the 10-Day Forecast of, chances of snow will be on Wednesday, November 19 which is at 40%. We found no information on the accumulation of snow expected on that day.
According to, the average annual snowfall of Carol Stream, IL is 32.03 inches; November is 1.3 inches. The average number of days with 1 inch or more snow depth in Carol Stream, IL is 47.58 days; November 1.4 days.
For Carol Stream weather updates, visit the following links below: * - Carol Stream, IL * - Carol Stream, IL * - Carol Stream, IL * - Carol Stream, IL * - Carol Stream, IL
The best advice for driving in bad winter weather is not to drive at all, if you can avoid it. But if you must drive in snowy conditions, make sure your car is prepared, and that you know how to handle road conditions. Check out driving safety tips at Welcome to the Village of Carol Stream
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