How old is Kathy Sabine from 9 news Denver colorado
While we found no specific information on how old Kathy Sabine is, based on her Tweet her birthday is on July 4:
Best birthday ever! #9news #9wx #cowx
— Kathy Sabine (@KathySabine9) July 3, 2024
She graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a B.S. in AgBusiness in 1987, so if we estimate her age at graduation as 22, she's probably around 50-52 years old.
Kathy Sabine is a Denver Meteorologist for channel 9 News. She joined 9NEWS in the spring of 1993, and is currently the Chief Meteorologist and lead forecaster on the 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 p.m. newscasts from Monday through Friday.
Tip! Find the latest updates on Kathy Sabine on Twitter @KathySabine9.
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