Who do you think will win Big Brother 18?

Before the announcement of the returning Big Brother houseguests, John Kubicek, senior writer for BuddyTV, predicts that Tiffany Rousso, sister of Vanessa, will win.

Kubicek has the following words for Rousso:

"She seems like a better version of her sister and as long as no one targets her just because of her genes, she could do what her sister didn't and win the whole thing. After Vanessa came so close and lost last year, it would definitely make the best story in terms of redemption."

Kubicek then later clarified that his real winner prediction is one of four returning players.

The Hollywood Reporter also talks to all four about their predictions for how the upcoming season will unfold.

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Tag: big brother 
Thursday, June 23 2016

Source: http://www.buddytv.com/articles/big-brother/big-brother-18-pre-season-pred-60328.aspx

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