Lake Erie is the shallowest and farthest south of the Great Lakes.
Lake Erie via kwout
It forms the boundary between Canada (Ontario) to the north and the United States (Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York) to the west, south, and east. The major axis of the lake extends from west-southwest to east-northeast for 241 miles (388 km), and the lake has a maximum width of 57 miles.
The total area of the lake’s drainage basin is 30,140 square miles (78,062 square km), exclusive of surface area, which is 9,910 square miles.
The fourth Great Lake in size, Lake Erie has a story similar to that of Scotland’s Loch Ness monster. There has been alleged sightings of a 30 foot long monster named Bessie living in the lake.
Due to the shallow nature of Lake Erie and one of its outlets being the Niagara River it only 2.6 years to replace all the water in the basin.
Out of all the Great Lakes, Erie is the one surrounded by the most industry of which there is 17 metropolitan areas ranging on both sides of the border. The battle of Lake Erie took place in the War of 1812 were the U.S. beat the British in a naval battle.