Where is Saitter La.?

The town of Saitter, Louisiana, is fictional, but according to the novel "My Louisiana Sky" by author Kimberly Willis Holt, it is based on the town of Forest Hill, Louisiana.

My Louisiana Sky was set in the South in the late 1950s. This coming-of-age novel explores a twelve-year-old girl's struggle to accept her grandmother's death, her mentally deficient parents, and the changing world around her. It is a novel filled with beautiful language and unforgettable characters, and the importance of family and home.

The daughter of a Navy chief, Kimberly Willis Holt lived all over the world during her childhood. But Forest Hill, Louisiana, became the place she called home. "Forest Hill is the kind of town where neighbors care when you're sick and show up at your door with chicken and dumplings. I wanted Tiger to be from a place like that," says the author. She currently lives in Amarillo, Texas, with her family. This is her first novel for young readers. Her second novel, When Zachary Beaver Came to Town, won the National Book Award.

Check out the top 10 fictional towns in children's books featured at The Guardian.

Tag: forest hills 
Monday, August 07 2017
Source: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-iL4lca6YfIC&pg=PT37&lpg=PT37&dq=saitter+louisiana+forest+hills&source=bl&ots=ThZNTiRVBP&sig=uIkhlgn1D8KHaJ9taZ3qVABIBPw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTi62_pcXVAhWBZiYKHZKJAGQQ6AEINzAD#v=onepage&q=saitter%20louisiana%20forest%