What is the longest human umbilical cord?

The longest umbilical cord reported measured 190 cm.

The mean length of the umbilical cord at term is 55 to 60 cm, and the normal range (5th to 95th percentile) is 35 to 80 cm.

The length of the cord is related to fetal activity in the first two trimesters; there is little change in the length of the cord after 28 weeks gestation. At term, mean cord length is slightly (1.6 cm) but significantly longer in male fetuses compared with females, and is 4.5 cm greater in vertex infants compared with breech. There is no correlation between cord length and either fetal or placental weight.

Of interest, for decades, experts have argued over when to clamp and cut a newborn's umbilical cord after birth.

Now, more health organizations are beginning to recommend delayed cord clamping. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has become one of the latest to advise medical professionals to wait at least 30 to 60 seconds before clamping and cutting. Find out more at CNN.

Tuesday, May 23 2017
Source: https://books.google.com/books?id=v4krPhqFG8sC&pg=PA413&lpg=PA413&dq=longest+umbilical+cord&source=bl&ots=PK7jXgceoP&sig=Os-K_VTEsN_u3zxebjZ5KJ4Zmqc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFoKqAg4bUAhVLMyYKHWihAtkQ6AEIfjAU#v=onepage&q=longest%20umbilical%20cord&f=false