To make pink the colors red and white are mixed. Without the white, it will not produce the shade you want.
Each red produces brighter, duller, warmer or cooler pinks depending on how they are used.
Hot pinks are best achieved by using glazing techniques with translucent, bluish reds like Quinacridone Red or Magenta lightened with translucent Zinc White over a white background. Duller, peachy pinks can be achieved by adding Titanium White to warmer, orange-shade reds like Naphthol Light Red. Cadmium Reds produce earthier, desaturated pinks when lightened with white, or diluted in a glaze over a white background. Cadmium Medium Red produces a pink that is orangier, and Cadmium Dark Red produces a pink that is slightly bluer.
It's easy to mix paints to make new colors. You can use the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) plus black and white to get all of the colors of the rainbow. Learn more about Color Mixing and the Color Wheel at Enchanted Learning.