What happens if there is a tie on wheel of fortune, who goes to the bonus round?

In case of a tie, at first, all three players return to the next show (even the third-place player). Everyone keeps what they won on all shows. But when the bonus round was introduced , the two (or possibly all three) tied players play a one-round speedround to determine the champion.

Learn the rules of the game at tv.com.

Discover 13 Things You Didn't Know About 'Wheel of Fortune at ABC News.

Have you ever dreamed of spinning the Wheel? To be a contestant, fill out an application and submit a video here.

For more information about the game show, visit Wheel of Fortune's official page.

To get the latest news and updates, check Wheel of Fortune Facebook and Twitter- @WheelofFortune pages.

Check out some tips on becoming a game show contestant at Seeing Stars.

Updated on Thursday, April 30 2015 at 09:45AM EDT
Source: www.tv.com/...
Collections: game showcontestant