What does it mean if a flock of black birds land in your yard the first morning of new years?

There is no specific information on omens or signs connected to a flock of blackbirds landing on your lawn on New Year’s morning. Although, according to Kentucky-Superstitions by Daniel Lindsey Thomas and Lucy Blayney Thomas, “If you see a flock of blackbirds, name them and make a wish.”

There are other superstitions such as two males are seen sitting together a very good omen. If a blackbird nests anywhere in your house, then you can look forward to a year of good fortune.

There were incidents, however, in Beebe, Arkansas where thousands of blackbirds were found dead and scattered around town. These happened on January 1, 2024 and again in January 1, 2024. Some saw it as an omen and according to Fox News, it sparked “apocalyptic prophesies.” Sources, however, say that the birds were spooked by the fireworks on New Year’s Eve, and died when they flew into buildings, trees, and each other.

Check out the top 10 New Year’s Eve superstitions and traditions shared by www.toptenz.net.

Tags: black birdsflocklawnbirdshealth 
Thursday, December 24 2015
Source: http://www.whimsy.org.uk/superstitions.html