Is it bad luck to kill a crow?

There's a superstition that it’s bad luck to kill a crow. If you accidentally do so, you’re supposed to bury it – and be sure to wear black when you do.

We think that it's because most people link the crows to death. Some believed that the crow is a spirit that has returned from purgatory to complete and settle unfinished business on earth, or to guide the ones and say goodbye to those they love.

For some people, good luck comes naturally. But if you feel like the old saying, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" applies to you, there's good news: it is possible to turn your luck around.

Here are eight popular methods that could bring good luck into your life shared by Try them and see whether you feel luckier.

Good luck superstitions, ranging from small gestures to elaborate observance, exist in cultures all over the world. Here are 14 of them shared by

Tags: crowbad luck 
Friday, October 14 2016