No, Gino Anthony Pesi is not related to Joe Pesci.
Gino Anthony Pesi was born on November 3, 2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an actor, producer, writer, and director, known for "The Vampire Diaries," "Shades of Blue" and the movie "42".
Joe Pesci on the other hand, was born on February 9, 1943, in Newark, New Jersey. Character actor Joe Pesci appeared alongside Robert De Niro in the film Raging Bull. This was the beginning of a long line of supporting roles for him.
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Are people with the same family name related? Family names (also known as surnames) provide an obvious clue to a person’s origin. And yet, as any genealogist can tell you, surnames can be difficult to work with and research into surnames often yield unexpected surprises. In particular, two people with the same surname do not necessarily share a common ancestor. Find out why at GenealogyInTime Magazine.