While daily earnings gained from Disneyland, including the rest of its theme parks are not publicly disclosed (and their particular attendance and other figures are somewhat hidden) you can speculate. A number of guesses point out that the theme park is earning more than a few million a day.
As reported by The Walt Disney Company, in 2016, the company generated approximately $17 ($16,974) billion from its parks and resorts segment. Therefore, the potential "daily" income would be around $46.6 million.
The parks and resorts revenues increased 5% from its 2015 revenue, or $812 million. This is due to increases of $631 million at their domestic operations and $181 million at their international operations.
You may also want to check BroadBandBlue.com's website which calculates just how much the Disney parks are making, even letting you break it down into how much each area of the park makes.
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