Why should the selection process be adapted to an organization's job descriptions?

Some organizations simply repeat a selection process that is familiar. If members of the organization underwent job interviews, they conduct job interviews, asking familiar questions. However, what organizations should do is to create a selection process in support of its job descriptions

Through effective selection, the organization can maximize the probability that its new employees will have the necessary KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to do the jobs they were hired to do.

Effective job analysis tells the organization what people occupying particular jobs "do" in the course of performing their jobs. It also helps the organization determine the major duties and responsibilities of the job, as well as aspects of the job that are of minor or tangential importance to job performance.

Selection is important as no organization can reach its goals without selecting the right people, where faulty in selection lead to wastage of time, money and spoils the environment of an organization.

Learn more about Employee Screening and Selection at Referenceforbusiness.com.

Tag: selection 
Tuesday, June 27 2017
Source: https://www.coursehero.com/file/12151933/Chapter-6/