Olivia-Newton John has "reluctantly" postponed her June concert dates after learning that the back pain she's been waylaid by recently is caused by breąst cancer that has metastasized to her sacrum.
"I decided on my direction of therapies after consultation with my doctors and natural therapists and the medical team at my Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia,” the 68-year-old singer said Tuesday in a statement on social media.
Those therapies include a short course of photon radiation therapy in addition to "natural wellness therapies," the statement said.
Newton-John was diagnosed with breąst cancer in 1992, at which time she underwent chemotherapy after a modified radical mastectomy with reconstruction. Her treatment also included acupuncture, which she said helped her with nausea, as well as yoga, meditation and mąssage. Read more at Los Angeles Times.
Find the latest news on Olivia Newton-John on Twitter @olivianj or visit her Facebook page.