What would be a good price to buy a honda 100cc dirt bike?

The value of a dirt bike can vary considerably based on condition and modifications but if you expect a good condition running CRF/XR 100 model dirt bike, you should be okay with $700-$1,250.

Check out other deals from the following sites below:





To find a certified dealer and to see Honda's current line of offroad motorcycles, visit powersports.honda.com.

Follow them on Twitter and join them on Facebook for the latest news, offers and updates.

A used dirt bike is a great way to get into the sport or upgrade from a current bike you've outgrown without breaking the bank.

However, you can also end up with someone else's junker if you're not careful. So take note of MotoSport's tips to buying dirt bikes.

Tags: lowerbidhondadirtebay 

Monday, February 08 2016