What was the number 1 song in 1979

The biggest American hit of 1979 is "My Sharona" by The Knack, as it hit the top of the Billboard chart for six straight weeks from:

August 25
September 01
September 08
September 15
September 22
September 29

According to Ultimateclassicrock.com, the insistent drum beat alone was one big hook, but once the guitar riff moves in, the track evolves into a massive ear worm. Soon, “My Sharona” was emanating from nearly every radio across America.

“My Sharona” came to be seen as a novelty tune of sorts. Given another listen, however, it emerges as one of the sharpest rock ‘n’ roll records ever — from the riff to the lyric to the production.

It was followed by "Bad Girls" (by Donna Summer) which is on the top for five weeks (July 14, July 21, July 28, August 04, August 11) and "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?" by Rod Stewart which last on the top charts for four weeks (February 10, February 17, February 24, March 03).

Planning to throw a memorable party with a 1970's theme? Check out 70's party ideas, decoration tips, music, games & activities at Chiff.com.

Tag: my sharona 

Friday, January 22 2016