What type of motor do most ceiling fans have, AC or DC?

While brushless DC fans are widely available in the market, there are many more options in AC available, as DC technology is very new, notes Universal Fans.

And, historically, ceiling fans have utilized AC induction motors because these motors are durable, easy-to-construct, and relatively inexpensive to manufacture.

AC (alternating current) motors primarily differ from DC (direct current) motors in the way their names suggest: AC motors convert electrical energy to mechanical energy using alternating current while DC motors use direct current.

Direct current is supplied by batteries, fuel cells and other power sources that provide current that travels in one direction. Alternating current, on the other hand, is the kind of current provided from an outside source (like a power plant) via a wall outlet.

Learn more about the difference between AC and DC Motor ceiling fans, courtesy of ATGStores.com.

Tip! Find out how to choose a ceiling fan with the ceiling fan buying guide at Lumens.com.

Tag: ceiling fans 

Wednesday, December 02 2015