What time of the day do they stop selling scratch off lotto tickets in texas?

It will vary on the store opening hours, as scratch-off games does not close until 95 percent of all tickets are sold.

View store opening times at Txlottery.org Scratch Ticket and Retailer Locator page.

For inquiries you may contact Texas Lottery Customer Service on 800-37 LOTTO (800-375-6886) or email them at customer.service@lottery.state.tx.us.

If you’re thinking of playing scratch off lottery games, you’ll be glad to know that there are some simple things you can do to improve your chances of choosing a winning scratch off ticket. Check out some tips on how to increase your odds of winning with lottery scratch off tickets at Thefuntimesguide.com.

Tag: texas 
Thursday, September 29 2016
Source: http://materlotteries.com/LotteryWinners/texas-lottery-scratch-off-remaining-winners