What is the birthstone gem for the month of September?

September’s birthstone is sapphire.

September Birthstone | Sapphire via kwout

Sapphire has been popular since the Middle Ages and, was believed to protect those close to you from harm and also represented loyalty and trust.

According to the American Gem Society, in the Middle Ages, those important and influential people in the society wore sapphires to symbolize heaven, while commoners thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings.

Blue sapphires range from very light to very dark greenish or violetish blue, as well as various shades of pure blue. The most prized colors are a medium to medium dark blue or slightly violetish blue. Sapphire is present in almost every color including pink, purple, green, orange, and yellow.

Although gemstones are among the most durable of substances, they do need some care. Learn Wixon Jewelers' tips for cleaning your gemstones.

Tags: sapphirebirthstone 
Wednesday, December 30 2015

Source: https://www.americangemsociety.org/september-birthstone

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