What we found is that T-Mobile's brand value is $7.6 Billion (as of May 2017). On Forbes lists , it is currently at # 79 World's Most Valuable Brands.
The T-Mobile brand is majority owned by Germany's Deutsche Telekom. The brand operates in parts of Europe, but the U.S. is its largest territory with 71.5 million mobile customers at the end of 2015, up 13% over the prior year.
The brand's "Uncarrier" campaign has been a great success since it was introduced in 2013. It allows customers to sign up for T-Mobile without the two-year service contract required by most providers.
T-Mobile is the third largest carrier in the U.S. with half as many subscribers as mobile giant Verizon (AT&T ranks second at 134 million).
Tip! To get the latest updates about T-Mobile, just visit their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @TMobile.