What does the different color dots mean on the bottom of a beer can
One popular myth says a dot on beer can bottoms indicates freshness levels.
The truth is that the Nordson Ink-Dot I.D. system identifies which spray paint machine (for creating the labels) coats each beer can on a factory line system.
A dot of ink is applied on the bottom of each can as it enters a machine.
A different color of ink is used for each machine so the source of any imperfect coatings can be instantly identified and repaired or replaced, rather than shutting down the entire line of machines.
On the topic of beer, a recent study by Restaurant Sciences discovered that the price of cheap beers like Coors Light, Miller Light and Budweiser is on the rise thanks to the increased popularity of Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR), the favorite among hipsters (community of bearded men in skinny jeans). You can still get a PBR for about $3 in some New York City bars.
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