what do you call a mini champagne bottle?

Mini bottles of wine are 187 ml - the most common size mini bottle. This small wine bottle or champagne bottle is called a split. The official name is Piccolo, if you’re a purist.

This size is also known as a “quarter bottle”, “pony”, or “snipe”. The exception seems to be Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider mini bottle which is 260 ml. Mini wine bottles are usually between seven to eight inches in height.

The name Piccolo for a champagne bottle has an Italian origin and means “small”. Being 187,5 milliliters, this bottle is equal to 1 tulip of champagne.

A standard champagne bottle contains 75cl giving you approximately 6 to 8 glasses depending on your glass or flute size, but maybe you want to go with a bigger bottle as it's a special event.

Large champagne bottles are named after biblical figures and are with filled with champagne that has been fermented in standard bottles or magnums.

See AdoreChampagne.com's Classification of Champagne Bottle Sizes to learn more.

Tags: minichampagne 
Tuesday, April 12 2016

Source: https://www.bottleyourbrand.com/blog/definitive-guide-to-mini-wine-labels/

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