If you are referring to red-tinted flashlight along Daytona Beach at night, the people are watching the egg-laying process of turtles.
From May 15 through October 31, the area beaches host an unusual marine visitor - the sea turtle. These magnificent animals emerge from the surf at night to lay their eggs in nests dug into the dry sand, then return to the sea. Two months later, about a hundred baby turtles (hatchlings) emerge from each of these nests and crawl to the ocean. This amazing cycle of Mother Nature is thousands of years old.
According to Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau visitors must observe the following rules when on the beach during sea turtle season:
Don't disturb a turtle that is crawling to or from the ocean or laying eggs. Watch from a distance of at least 30 feet.
Avoid shining lights on the beach at night as this may frighten away nesting females and, interfere with the hatchlings ability to find the sea.
Avoid walking or cycling in nesting areas
Report any injured or dead sea turtles to any Volusia County Beach Services employee.
Do not disturb markers or protective screening over turtle nests. These nests are being studied and protected.
Avoid walking on the beach dunes.
Don't disturb nesting sea birds.
Don't litter.
Keeping a Turtle? Here are Some Tips All New Turtlekeepers Need To Know shared by Reptile Magazine.