tagged questions
- What state has the most tornadoes or tornado activity From 1953-2004 Texas averaged 139 tornadoes ...
- What type of photographer only takes pictures of the sky A weather photographer mostly takes pictures of...
- Whats the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning (Blh&deb<3mjb) A Tornado Watch means that tornadoes are possib...
- Is torando watch worse then torando warning A Tornado Watch means that tornadoes are possib...
- Whats worse a tornado watch or warning? Tornado warning is worse than tornado watch. It...
- Which states never see thunderstorms and tornadoes There is no state that hasn't experienced a tor...
- How fast does the average tornado move from one place to another? Most tornadoes travel from the southwest to nor...
- Do tornadoes happen in winter Tornadoes can happen at any time of year, they ...
- What is a cyclone -BDamnedIfILose Cyclone refers to the rotation of a volume of a...
- In what US city there are no snow, tornadoes, or huricanes? The nearest match would be Houston, TX. Though ...
- Is it safe to be in the center of a hurrican It is not really safe to be in the center or ey...
- How much wind does an f5 tornadoe produce? F5 tornadoes produce 261-318 mph winds. They c...
- R there tornados in the southern hemisphere? Yes, tornadoes have occurred in the Southern He...
- HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED ON THE FIRST DAY OF THIS YEAR 2011 ? There are no exact facts available yet but a se...
- Can tornados go uphill on the front range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado? Yes. Tornadoes are able to move both up and dow...
- Wat is the record number of tornadoes in the united states during the winter -november,december,january,febuary The most confirmed tornadoes recorded for the w...
- Who was the character in the tall tale that would ride tornadoes The character in the the Tall tale that would r...
- Do tornadoes only form in north america? Tornadoes can form anywhere in the world, but t...
- What is a vortex as it relates 2 tornadoes? A vortex is a spinning, often turbulent, flow o...
- How do they measure the severity of tornatoes Severity of tornadoes is measures using the Fuj...