No. Will Smith was raised a Baptist, but has experimented with the Church of Scientology. He praises Scientology, but says that he has not joined them.
For years, there’s been rampant speculation that Will Smith, the blockbuster star of alien-themed films like Independence Day, Men in Black, and After Earth, was a card-carrying member of the Church of Scientology. But, according to Scientology’s former fixer/senior executive and the most knowledgeable Scientology-covering journalist, Smith is not a Scientologist.
Smith's link with Scientology originates from his close friendship with Scientology’s most famous face, Tom Cruise.
“I was introduced to [Scientology] through Tom, and I’m a student of world religion,” Smith told Access Hollywood in 2007. “I was raised in a Baptist household and went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98 percent the same ideas as Scientology; 98 percent the same ideas as Buddhism or Hinduism.”
Check out Ten Hollywood Celebrities Who Have Spoken Out About Their Religion featured at The Hollywood Reported.