Is there a medior shower at 11:00 pm eastern time tonight?

Check out the dates and times for astronomical events like equinoxes, solstices, meteor showers, eclipses, supermoons, and more at's Cosmic Calendar page.

Meteors are best viewed during the night, though meteoroids can enter the Earth’s atmosphere at any time of the day. They are just harder to see in the daylight. Any ambient light, even from the Moon, is a bane for meteor watchers. Meteors can be best seen away from city lights, on a New Moon night.

Since meteors seem to come from the constellation they are named after, meteor watchers should try and find the direction of the constellation in the sky and look there for meteors.

July and August are some of the best months to observe meteor showers. Along with the Perseid, these months experience several minor meteor showers. December is another good month for meteor watchers.

To learn more about meteor shower, visit

Wednesday, October 25 2017