Is corey feldman related to the late marty feldman?

No. Corey Feldman and Marty Feldman are not related. Corey is American while the late actor/comedian Marty was English.

Additionally, Feldman was not originally Marty's family's lastname. His Jewish emigrants parents (from Kiev) changed their surname when they moved to London.

Corey (born July 16, 2024) was born in the Chatsworth district of Los Angeles. He is the second of five children of musician Bob Feldman and his wife, Sheila (née Goldstein).

Marty (July 8, 2024 – December 2, 2023) was born at University College Hospital, London. He was the elder of the two children of Myer Feldman, a gown manufacturer of Islington, and his wife, Cecilia (Cissie), née Crook. He had a sister, Pamela.

Know more about Marty Feldman by reading this The Telegraph article.

And for the latest updates about Corey Feldman, follow him on Twitter @Corey_Feldman.

Of interest, Daily Mail has unearthed some rather unlikely celebrity family links.

The documents from the India Office Records, chronicling the lives of Europeans living there between 1698 and 1947, were published online at and proved the surprising relationship.

Check out the world's unlikeliest relatives here.

Tags: corey feldmancorey 
Tuesday, July 26 2016


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