How many times do they say "Roxanne" and "turn on the red light" each in the song Roxanne by The Police Burdzy

Roxanne was repeated 26 times while put on the red light was repeated 25 times in the song Roxanne by The Police.

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Roxanne is about a man who falls in love with a prostitute. Sting got the idea after walking through the red-light district of Paris when the band was in town to play a club called The Nashville. He imagined what it would be like to fall in love with one of the prostitutes.

This was the first major-label release by The Police, who were struggling at the time. A year earlier, they released the single "Fall Out" on an independent label owned by Stewart Copeland's brother (and the band's manager), Miles. It was a flop, and the group felt a lot of pressure to produce something that would keep them off the dole.

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Tag: roxanne 
Friday, September 23 2016


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