In the film adaptation of Stephen King's Dreamcatcher, the heroes (Pete, Jonesy, Beaver and Henrya) share number of cute, sarcastic catchphrases, the most useful of which, within the movie and in reference to it, is ''S.S.D.D.''
The letters stand, more or less, for Same Stuff, Different Day, which pretty well sums up a film critic's life in the late winter and early spring.
Directed by Lawrence Kasdan and written by William Goldman and Mr. Kasdan, Dreamcatcher is about friends on a camping trip discover that the town they're vacationing in is being plagued in an unusual fashion by parasitic aliens from outer space.
The movie is cast with several recognizable faces, including Morgan Freeman, Donnie Wahlberg, Thomas Jane and Timothy Olyphant. See full cast and crew on
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