They're called little toes or fingers. Some call the ones on the front paws fingers and the ones on the back feet toes.
Dogs have 16 toes (four fingers on each of his front two paws and four toes on each of his rear paws), while cats normally have a total of 18 toes, with five toes on each front paw and four toes on each hind paw.
Some dog breeds also have a fifth finger or toe on one, two, three or even all feet. These extras are known as dewclaws; they're kind of like thumbs in humans except useless.
Typically a vet will remove the hind dewclaws of certain breeds when they're babies. Those extra “thumbs” in the back can get stuck on things and tear, leading to infections later on down the line.
It can be difficult to stay on top of what's best for your own health and well-being, so knowing what's good for your pet may seem a little confusing.
Keep your feline friends and canine companions healthy and happy by following these 10 pet care tips the pros want you to know shared by WebMD.