how much are tickets to zeus theaters waynesboro va

Zeus Digital Theaters, 120 Osage Lane, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Movie Hotline: 540-416-0536 Office Phone: 540-416-0536

Ticket Pricing

Matinee (All shows before 5:59 PM):

Adults: $8.50

Children (3-11): $7.50

Seniors (60+): $8.00

Evening (All shows 5:59 PM and after):

Adults: $10.50

Children (3-11): $8.00

Seniors (60+): $8.50

Box Office Opens:

12:30 PM

11:59 PM

View Showtimes and Upcoming Movie Releases at

Best Movies 2016: Every Film Worth Seeing This Year, compiled by Thrillist.

Tag: matinee 
Tuesday, June 21 2016