How many people fit in the denver broncos stadium

Sports Authority Field at Mile High (Denver Broncos' new stadium after Mile High Stadium closed in 2001), provides outstanding, unobstructed views for 76,125 fans on five levels of seating, including 8,200 club seats and 144 luxury suites.

It is located less than 50' from the site of original Mile High Stadium, Sports Authority Field at Mile High stands at an elevation of 5,280 feet above sea level, a characteristic that remains today as one of the most internationally recognized of any sports venue in the world.

With a unique, undulating upper profile and a skin of steel, glass and aluminum, Sports Authority Field at Mile High reflects the Rocky Mountains to the west and the Denver skyline to the east, a focal point on the Denver skyline and a proud symbol of Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region.

Tip! Find the latest updates about Sports Authority Field at Mile High on Twitter @SportsAuthField.

Wednesday, February 03 2016