How do you beat the triangle game with fifteen holes and fourteen pins?

You win if only one peg is left at the end of the game.


  • Jump one peg over another into an empty spot, removing the jumped peg from the board.
  • You can jump along any of the three directions parallel to the outside edges of the board.
  • The game is over when no more jumps are possible

To see a demo of the shortest solution from the position shown below, click here.

If you've ever visited a Cr@cker Barrel, you've probably noticed the peg games on their dining tables. A great way to test your I.Q., this classic peg game has been with Cr@cker Barrel since the very beginning.

This crafty peg solitaire puzzle can be frustrating. The theory behind the game is extensive, but if you just want to solve the puzzle, refer to's Cracking the Cr@cker Barrel Tips.

Friday, June 12 2015