According to unofficial source, it won’t expire as long as they were kept out of heat and light and unopened.
First manufactured in the US about a decade ago, Four Loko is made by Phusion Projects of Chicago.
The US Food and Drug Administration warned the company in November 2010 that the beverage’s mixture of alcohol with caffeine could be hazardous to users, and the company changed its formulation to eliminate stimulates. (The “Four” in the name stands for caffeine, alcohol, the Brazilian stimulant guarana, and the animal-derived stimulant taurine, which is also used in energy drinks like Red Bull. The alcohol is malt liquor.)
At least five states in US banned Four Loko in its earlier formulation, including Washington, where nine university students were hospitalized in October 2010 after consuming Four Loko and vodka. Phusion agreed to a ban of the manufacture and sale of caffeinated alcoholic drinks nationwide with 20 attorney generals and the city of San Francisco after the reformulation.
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