Define agriculturalist

An agriculturalist is someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil.

A detailed description from Future Farmers of America says:

An Agriculturalist works with the preparation of agricultural products for human consumption; they are the "general practitioner" of the agricultural industry. While many agricultural professions may specialize in the study of specific areas, the Agriculturalist studies a broader range of agricultural areas. The advantage to this is the ability to see the "big picture" and how one area of agriculture effects and applies to others.

For example, an Agriculturalist studies both crops and livestock and would be able to apply new developments in the nutritional value of corn to the livestock feeding industry. The disadvantage of being an Agriculturalist is that in-depth study and research of all the areas of agriculture is not possible.

An agriculturist works closely with other Agricultural Scientist and Engineers to gather and collect information. They also work with Farmers, Ranchers and Agri-business’s to determine production practices and needs. Based on this information, they can apply their wide scope of knowledge to many agricultural problems and situations.

Learn about careers in the agriculture and forestry services on

Tags: sciencebusiness 
Friday, May 06 2016


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