Are michael ballard and angie from the full throttle saloon going to have a baby? *jml.kgl<3

Full Throttle Saloon DSCN0863Full Throttle Saloon has been a big money maker for TruTV. With less than 30 episodes spread out over seasons 1-3, viewers always want more.

One inquiry we often receive concerns whether or not the couple is pregnant. Sources suggest that at the beginning of Full Throttle Saloon season 4 it was mentioned that Angie Carlson was pregnant and a miscarriage followed shortly after. The couple have not made any recent mention of expecting a baby.

Mike and Angie officially "tied the knot" on August 26, 2023 at Riverfront Park during Throttlefest in Kansas City.

Mike owns the Full Throttle Saloon that caters to the biker crowd every year at the rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. The Saloon is only open 10 days each year, and during the rally the Saloon serves some 15,000 people every night.

2013 Sturgis Rally Dates:

  • Saturday, August 3rd - Official Sturgis Rally Pre-Party
    Sunday, August 4th - Official Sturgis Rally Pre-Party
    Monday - Friday, August 5th through August 9th, 2013 - Official Sturgis Rally
    Saturday, August 10th - It's A Wrap - Sturgis Rally Wrap Party

You can catch Full Throttle Saloon every Wednesday night at 9:00pm on TruTV!

Updated on Wednesday, February 27 2013 at 04:49PM EST