Why do cattle huddle when it's hot?

Wasp, fly, ant and flea numbers soar in warm weather months. The risk of fly infestation is high during these times and a high population of biting flies can cause cattle to bunch up which reduces evaporative cooling via air movement.

There's a saying that if cows huddle, a bad storm is approaching and that cows lie down when it is about to rain.

But the old wive's tale that cows lie down when it is about to rain may not be so far fetched after all, according to a new study by scientists.

For researchers have discovered that cows stand up for longer periods when it is hot, proving there is a definite link between their behaviour and the weather.

They also suggest that cows lie down when it is colder, which is often what happens to the weather just before it rains. Read more about this research at Daily Mail.

Check out a random selection of interesting or unusual facts about cattle, featured on Think-differently-about-sheep.com.

Tags: cattlehuddlerain 
Thursday, July 20 2017
Source: http://extension.psu.edu/animals/beef/news/2015/heat-stress-and-beef-cattle

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