Why did the painter go on a safari?

The painter went on a safari because he wanted to spot leopards.

The question "Why did the painter go on a safari?" is a riddle used in math worksheet answered by solving algebra equations.

Try to find the solution for this Why did the painter go on a safari? question.

Tip! Learn how to answer hard and tricky riddles at HowToDoThings.com.

Check out five tips that can make learning algebra easy, shared by HowToLearn.com.

Tags: leopardssafaripainter 
Friday, November 18 2016
Source: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=bWNkb3dlbGwuazEyLm5jLnVzfGRyLWNsaW5lLXMtbWF0aC0yLS0taG9tZXBhZ2V8Z3g6MjQ5NzJiNDE2MTUxNDU4MQ